W530x109 Dimensions

The steel beam dimensions for the W530x109 section can be seen in the table. The depth of the section is 539 mm. The width of the section is 211 mm.

Dimension Value
Depth 539 mm
Top Width 211 mm
Top Thickness 18.8 mm
Bottom Width 211 mm
Bottom Thickness 18.8 mm
Web Thickness 11.6 mm
Fillet Radius 17.2 mm

W530x109 Section Properties

The W530x109 section has an area of 13900mm2. The below table outlines the W530x109 section properties including the torsion constant as well as moment of inertia and plastic modulus properties.

A J Iyp Izp Iw Syp Szp
13900 mm2 1260000 mm4 29500000 mm4 667000000 mm4 2000000000000 mm6 437000 mm3 2830000 mm3

Materials and Design Standards W530x109

This section is typically designed using the design standard CSA S16-14 and is manufactured using a hot rolled process as it is a steel section.

W530x101 Dimensions W530x123 Dimensions
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